List of Coronation Street characters (2004)

Coronation Street characters
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2010 2011

The following is a list of characters that first appeared in the ITV soap opera Coronation Street in 2004, by order of first appearance.


Amy Barlow

Amy Barlow
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Various (2004-06)
Amber Chadwick (2006-10)
Elle Mulvaney (2010—)
Duration 2004—
First appearance 9 February 2004
Classification Present; regular
Date of birth 9 February 2004
Home 1 Coronation Street

Amy Barlow (nee Patience Cropper), played by Elle Mulvaney, is the daughter of Steve McDonald and Tracy Barlow. She was born on 9 February 2004. To date, the character has been portrayed by six child actors, most notably Amber Chadwick from 2006 until early 2010, and Mulvaney from early 2010 to the present.

After a one-night stand with Steve McDonald, Tracy Barlow falls pregnant with Amy. However, Tracy also drugs Roy Cropper and pretends that she has slept with him, and leads him on to believing that he is the father. Although Roy is shocked and humiliated at first, after a talk through with wife Hayley, they decide to keep the baby. Tracy offers to sell the baby to Roy for a large sum of money, which her parents Ken and Deirdre do not approve of. Roy even legally marries Tracy to ensure he would be the baby's carer.

Tracy gives birth to Amy in February 2004. She is first called Patience by Roy and Hayley. When Tracy changes her mind and wants the baby back, she arrives at Steve and Karen's wedding and demands for her back. The Croppers flee during an argument at the wedding, but Roy later decides to give the baby up to Tracy. Tracy is happy and renames her Amy. Life with Tracy is not great for young Amy, especially as throughout the year she has long running feud with Karen, who resents Amy being present in their lives. Karen turns up at Amy's christening and causes a scene by fighting with Tracy. When Karen wins a car in a competition, Steve gives it to Tracy. When Amy is in the back of the car and Tracy is talking to Ken and Deirdre, Karen steals it, unaware Amy is in the backseat. She burns the car but makes Tracy believe that Amy was still in it when it was set on fire. Although it is later revealed that Amy is safe and sound. Steve tells Karen to leave and never return. Steve tries to play happy families with Tracy, so he can still see Amy. However, it does not work out, but he is still granted rights to see her. Tracy starts a relationship with builder Charlie Stubbs. A year later, she murders him after discovering his affair with Maria Connor, but tries to make out it was self-defense. She is jailed for 15 years, but Steve does not know how to tell Amy since she is so young. She moves in with Steve and his mother Liz at the Rovers Return Inn.

Amy is nearly knocked down by Harry Mason's van when she is meant to be getting babysat by Daryl Morton. Steve marries Becky Granger, who sees Amy as her own daughter. When Amy begins to get bullied by a boy at school, for Tracy being a murderer, Becky tells her the truth, which Steve isn't happy with the first time round. However, they both agree that it is time that Amy should now see Tracy. Becky and Steve decide to adopt a child when Becky discovers that she is unable to have children of her own. Around this time, Amy's great-grandmother Blanche Hunt passes away, and Steve and Liz tell her the news, which upsets Amy and causes her to be in a bad mood. She begins asking Becky about her Nana Blanche, and Becky breaks the news to her in a caring way, saying that Blanche is now in a better place with her friends, and that they can draw a picture and tie it to a balloon and let it float so Blanche can have it. This makes Amy feel better, which impresses Steve and the social worker Dawn Coghill.

When Blanche dies, Tracy is allowed compassionate leave from prison to attend the funeral. Tracy also gets a chance to be reunited with Amy, who is initially frightened and reluctant towards her relatively unfamiliar mother. The tension between Tracy and the McDonalds becomes even worse when a jealous Tracy confronts Becky over her closeness with Amy, and eventually attacks her, leading to a hyped-up Tracy to be ushered away from the church by police officers. The situation upsets Amy deeply. Back in prison, Tracy tries her best to be a part of Amy's life and she encourages Becky and Steve to give a word to the warden so she can be moved to an open prison, and finally have a bit of her freedom back, in exchange for Tracy giving the McDonalds a good reference so they could adopt a baby. Tracy threatens Becky, and says that one word or action and she could easily ruin their adoption plans, and that they could even lose custody of Amy.

Tracy returns on Christmas Eve. Amy cannot sleep, sees Tracy downstairs and is pleased to see her. On Christmas Day, Amy comes back with Tracy. When Amy tells Tracy about Steve and Becky buying Max, she is proud of her as this gives her a prime opportunity for blackmail. After a fight at the Rovers, Tracy decides that Amy will live with the Barlows permamently. Becky then blurts out about Tracy trying to sell Amy to Roy and Hayley. A confused Amy asks if this was true and Tracy denies it.

Amy goes to Blackpool with Steve and Tracy. When she is fed up with her mum and dad arguing, she runs off and the police are called. Within an hour, Amy is found and the family make the most of their day, that is until Steve's car in towed, and they miss the last train leaving them to sleep overnight in a hotel, unknown to Becky. It is also revealed that she has an allergy to dairy products after needing to go hospital with a sore stomach. As Amy continues to be sick, Tracy and Steve fail to know what's wrong with her. Amy starts to wake up in the middle of the night and drink milk to deliberately make herself sick, so Steve will come around and look after her and get on with Tracy. When Tracy walks in on Amy drinking milk, she drops the milk on the floor and runs into the lounge, locking the door. She only comes out when Steve arrives. Tracy and Steve are left mortified when their daughter admits she drinks milk on purpose to make herself sick in a bid for more attention.

Steve leaves Amy with Ken's grandson James (James Roache), when he has a work problem to deal with. James tries to make Amy go upstairs as he has a surveyor round. However, Amy overhears everything and James threatens to put Tracy in prison if she tells anyone about the surveyor. Amy eventually tells Tracy, who is angry with James for threatening her daughter. James insists Amy is making the story up and Ken and Deirdre believe him. However, James is exposed and Ken and Deirdre realise Amy was telling the truth all along. On 28 July, Tracy in a bid to win Steve back, invites him round for tea and to bond with Amy. The next day Amy learns that Steve slept the night in the Barlow's, but didn't know the real reason why. She later tells Becky McDonald who is left horrified. When Steve turns Tracy down, she leaves for London with Amy.

On 9 September, Amy returns with Tracy and they see Steve leaving their house. Amy goes to shout him, but Tracy stops her. That is when Tracy later admits to Dierdre that she is pregnant again, with Steve's baby. On 15 September, Steve looks after Amy while Tracy goes to have an abortion, and Steve is happy to have his little girl back. Tracy decides not to have an abortion, and later finds out shes having twins. Amy however, thinks she will have only one brother or sister, and tells Tracy she wants to call it Peppa, after Peppa Pig. Steve and Tracy later become a couple, much to Becky's disgust, although Amy is over the moon. In December 2011, Amy performs in the nativity play, which is cut short when Katy Armstrong goes into labour. On Christmas Day, Amy asks if she can see Katy's baby, Joseph and if she can push him in his pram. This upsets Tracy, as she lost her twins a week earlier due to a fall. After a fire at Becky's flat, Amy asks if she can see her while she is recovering in hosptial.

Eric Garside

Eric Garside
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Peter Kay
Duration 2004
Appears on 30 January 2004
Date of birth 10 June 1952
Residence Unknown

Eric Garside is a drayman who arrives at the Rovers Return Inn in January 2004 for a date with Shelley Unwin. He immediately reclaims £10 that Jack Duckworth had borrowed four years earlier. Eric takes Shelley to a posh restaurant and the pair then go back to Eric's house for a cup of tea.

Eric's overbearing mother, Dolly, greets them in her dressing gown and Shelley beats a hasty retreat, refusing Eric's offer of another date. She advises him to cut the apron strings before asking another girl out.

Yvonne Casey

Yvonne Casey
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Yvonne O'Grady
Duration 2004, 2006, 2007, 2010
First appearance 30 April 2004
Last appearance 18 October 2010

Yvonne Casey is the mother of Claire Peacock. Little is known about her, but during Claire's battle with post-natal depression, Yvonne admitted she had not been close enough to Claire as a child. She occasionally appears to babysit Freddie and Joshua and to support Claire during marital crises with Ashley.

In September 2006, Claire begins leaving home every day, telling Ashley that Yvonne has terminal cancer and needs her care. After several weeks, Yvonne shows up at Ashley's butcher shop, telling Ashley she'd been away learning yoga techniques. She is shocked to learn the lies Claire has told, and then works with Ashley to help Claire recover from post-natal depression. In 2007, Claire moves in with Yvonne following an arson attack which damages the Peacock home. She is shown to object to Claire's friendship with Casey Carswell. Claire then returns home. In summer 2008 Claire and the kids stay with her while their new home is being renovated. Yvonne made her last appearance in October 2010, when she visits Claire, telling her about her plans to move to France with her new partner.

Claire tries to contact Yvonne in late 2010 to inform her that Ashley has died from injuries sustained during an explosion on Coronation Street. Claire leaves the Street in January 2011, to join Yvonne in France.

Danny Baldwin

Frankie Baldwin

Frankie Baldwin
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Debra Stephenson
Duration 2004-06
First appearance 1 June 2004
Last appearance 31 December 2006
Classification Former; regular
Home Romania
Occupation Worked at Roy's Rolls cafe

Francesca "Frankie" Baldwin was played by Debra Stephenson.

Glamorous Frankie met her husband Danny when she worked as a babysitter for his son Jamie. Even though he was still married to his first wife Carol, Frankie could not resist sleeping with Danny, as she had fallen in love with him. They had a son of their won, Warren, and she also became close to her stepson Jamie after she married Danny. He cheated on her numerous times, but she continued to forgive him until he cheated on her with Jamie's girlfriend Leanne Battersby.

Upon entering Weatherfield, Frankie appeared stuck up and prissy, eager for Danny to sell the house they shared in London so they could move into somewhere more suitable. Frankie exploded when she discovered Danny had slept with Sunita Parekh, and declared war on her. This perhaps is what drew her to Sunita's nemesis Maya. However, after learning of Maya's true nature, she apologised to Sunita and forgave her.

After a while, Frankie began to settle into the street more - especially after striking up a bond with Vera Duckworth. When Vera was ill, Frankie took care of her by doing her chores for her, filling in her job for her and advised her husband Jack to be more sensitive and attentive to Vera's needs. This led to Frankie securing a permanent position at the cafe, where she works with enemy Leanne.

Frankie saw Leanne as not worthy for Jamie, and became suspicious of her cheating on him. Frankie discovered Leanne's affair with her husband Danny when Leanne lost her phone. Leanne and Danny had arranged to meet at a hotel but Leanne cancelled at the last minute. Annoyed, Danny rang her phone and said all the things he wanted to do to Leanne - not aware that Frankie was on the other end of the line. Frankie chucked Danny out and from then on she lived with Jamie, and Jamie's mother Carol. But after Carol accused Frankie and Jamie of sleeping with each other, Frankie kicked Carol out, and Carol left the street for good.

Danny, regretting losing her and scared at the thought of spending the rest of his life with Leanne, begged Frankie to take him back. Frankie remained strong and the divorce went ahead, with Frankie moving boyfriend Nathan in just days before. She celebrated her divorce by jetting off alone for a holiday in her newly acquired Villa in Spain.

In October 2006 Frankie's former stepson Jamie declared his love for her at Fred Elliott's funeral and they kissed but the revelation shocked her and drove her back into the arms of ex-husband Danny. However she couldn't resist Jamie's advances and they embarked on a relationship, much to the disgust of the other residents of the street. The news also led to Danny disappearing.

Frankie and Jamie decided to head to Spain to start afresh, but at the last minute on New Year's Eve 2006, Frankie got cold feet. She ended it with a devastated Jamie, and left to stay with a friend in Essex. As she departed in a taxi, Jamie was consoled by friend Sean Tully. But the misery wasn't over - at midnight Jamie received a call from father, Danny, telling him he had sold the flat and he was "sorry" to hear about his break up with Frankie.

In 2009, Roy and Hayley are invited to Frankie Baldwin's wedding to a footballer in Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday, but they arrive a week late.[1] Frankie lets them stay in her villa while she is honeymooning. As Debra Stephenson did not reprise the role, Frankie goes unseen.

Billy Platt

Billy Platt
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Unknown
Duration 2004
First appearance 1 June 2004
Last appearance 2 June 2004

Billy Platt was the son of Sarah-Louise Platt and Todd Grimshaw and was born three weeks prematurely on 1 June 2004. Sarah had recently split up with Todd after discovering he was gay and the stress that this had caused for her caused her to suffer a placental abruption and she went into labour prematurely. Billy was born on 1 June 2004 but died the following day on 2 June 2004. Todd never saw his child alive as Sarah refused to give him access. Billy's funeral was held on 7 June 2004, and Todd attended, despite facing animosity from the Platts. Todd and Sarah regularly visited Billy's grave until their departures from Weatherfield.

Dr. Patel

Dr. Patel
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Josephine Lloyd-Welcome
Duration 2004, 2008–10
First appearance 12 July 2004
Last appearance 15 January 2010
Occupation Doctor

Dr. Patel was first seen when Josephine Lloyd-Welcome played Sunita Alahan's doctor in 2004, but was not credited as Dr. Patel. She works at Rosamund Street Medical Centre. In 2008, she re-appeared when her receptionist, Gail Platt asked her to visit neighbour Jerry Morton, who had recently suffered a heart attack. She appeared again the following spring, when Gail's boyfriend Joe McIntyre suffered a back injury. He visited her several times over the next few months, as he had become addicted to the painkillers she had prescribed to him. Dr. Patel was last seen tending to Sunita's daughter Asha Alahan in January 2010.

Warren Baldwin

Warren Baldwin
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Danny Young
Duration 2004-06
First appearance 13 July 2004
Last appearance 22 November 2006
Date of birth 31 December 1986
Home Spain
Occupation Footballer

Warren Baldwin was played by Danny Young. Warren is the youngest member of the Baldwin family. He is the half-brother of Jamie and son of Danny and Frankie. He arrives on the Street to live with his parents after from his football club. His family are disappointed when they found out about this. Candice Stowe later finds out that he is no longer a footballer and that Warren had been telling lies to impress her, resulting in Candice dumping him. Later Warren joins Weatherfield County FC, and Candice decides that she wants to give him another chance. In August 2005, Warren leaves the Street to launch his football career and start a new life in Spain, leaving Candice behind after they split up again.

He makes a surprise return to Weatherfield on 20 November 2006 when he is back in England for trials with Port Vale, which he fails. Warren moves to Spain again, and in early December 2006 his mother goes to visit him to see if he has heard from father Danny who had left Weatherfield and disappeared. She also reveals her affair with Jamie to him, a revelation which results in Warren falling out with his mother.

Jamie Baldwin

Kelly Crabtree

Violet Wilson

Ian Davenport

Ian Davenport
Coronation Street character
Portrayed by Philip Bretherton
Duration 2004-05
First appearance 8 November 2004
Last appearance 11 May 2005
Classification Former; recurring
Occupation Car Salesman

Ian Devenport is the father of Gemma, Rosie Webster's classmate at Oakhill. He first appears on 8 November when Rosie and her family are invited over. The Davenports and the Websters get along very well and Ian soon takes a shine to Rosie's mother, Sally. Sally later takes a job working for Ian at his dealership and they soon begin an affair. When Ian's wife, Justine suspects he is having an affair, Sally gets nervous and tries to end things with Ian. Ian then threatens to make her life miserable at work if she does end the affair. When Sally tells her husband Kevin that Ian tried to fire her for refusing to sleep with him, Kevin punches Ian in the mouth and he is not seen again.


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